Don't Just Keep Eating the Soft Serve!

I'm the KIDS Ministry Music Leader at my home church. Some people say my church is lucky to have me there leading kids' worship. Maybe. Or is it I'M LUCKY to have the chance to lead the kids and watch their families grow in Christ?

I don't sing all my own songs during kids' worship.  And you shouldn't do all one artist's (or company's) songs, either. It's like going to a buffet and only eating the soft serve ice cream. Sure, it tastes good, and it's easy to work that machine, but it's a "milk" product, and it's not that good for you.  You need MEAT. Spiritual meat!

And when they introduce a new recipe, bread, soup, or dessert - try some! Put it in the mix! Don't keep getting the same thing you've always gotten. There might be a new flavor that makes your tastebuds dance and sing!

As always, I welcome your comments.